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Welcome to the news page for the Invitation to ETI project. Any press releases and any other news about the project will be made available on this web page. This page could also be used by some form of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) someday if it wants to disseminate information to humankind.

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Copyright Notice and Release:

This entire website is Copyright © Allen Tough and Invitation to ETI. All rights reserved. But permission is freely granted to reproduce this entire News page. Indeed, if anything exciting or important is reported on this page, we encourage people around the world to create mirror sites (and keep them up-to-date) and to reproduce the material in its entirety in other media and forums. In this way, the news will be made widely available worldwide. Thanks for your cooperation and help.

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The Invitation to ETI was founded by Prof. Allen Tough
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Copyright © Allen Tough and Invitation to ETI.
This page last updated 23 May 2011.
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